Singles’ Day Price and Promo Playbook for Beauty and Mom & Baby categories

Setting up an optimized price and promo strategy is one of the key elements to generate the most sales revenue and get your target audience’s attention on Singles’ Day, especially for competitive categories like Beauty and Mom&Baby.

In Edge’s newest Singles’ Day reports, we look into the price and promo strategy of Beauty and Mom&Baby categories, leveraging Edge’s digital shelf data covering top brands and their key products harvested on November 11th, 2018. In these reports, we try to answer the below questions for you.


  • Were your competitors changing their product portfolio often on Singles’ Day? 
  • Were all of the SKUs from your competitors on promotion on Singles’ Day? 
  • Were your competitors participating in Tmall initiating deals on cross-store “spend more get money off” on Singles’ Day?
  • Were your competitors all doing “spend more get money off” on Singles’ Day? 
  • What was the most often used promotion on “spend more get money off” on Singles’ Day?
  • Were your competitors providing deeper discount at 0:00 on Singles’ Day?


To schedule a meeting with Edge APAC to learn how to optimize your ecommerce strategy, email or phone us at +86 21 52993930.  


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