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Get ahead in your business with the Retail Insight Daily Briefing email, now available at no additional cost. This industry-insider email provides readers with the latest insights into the global movements and trends that affect their day-to-day. Even if you are not a current Edge by Ascential client this invaluable subscription is available to you. Check out what Edge by Ascential is all about by subscribing today.  

This curated, daily newsletter is currently read by many of the top industry veterans C-level brand and retailer executives, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of the conversation.  “The shift to digital retail means that go-to-market strategies will need to be evaluated and executed more frequently,” states Danny Silverman, CMO at Edge by Ascential. “Scenario planning is becoming more complex – it has to contend with more data points, more variables, all the while becoming simultaneously more global and hyper local. We fundamentally acknowledge that tomorrow’s success belongs to the brands and retailers who are embracing today’s ecommerce-driven retail world. And that is why Edge by Ascential delivers the next generation retail intelligence platform that provides our clients with cutting-edge tools, processes, data and resources so that they can make faster, more effective decisions today and confidently impact their success tomorrow.” 


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